IT IS FINALLY THE END OF JANUARY. And I’m still reading.
I think it’s safe to say we all felt this past month went on forever and it was just tough. Between cold temperatures and the world just seeming dark, it was time for this month to end a long time ago. Not that February promises to be all that much better. But it’s at least a shorter month.
As we look forward to all of the joys February might bring us, let’s take a look at what I’m reading this week.
Reading Social Media News
It seems odd to publish a social media checklist to start your year off strong at the end of January instead of the beginning, but that’s what Buffer did. Regardless, it’s a great list full of things that you probably should have already done. And if you haven’t, there is no better time than the present.
I personally love to see how others do content. It’s nice check-in to see if the way I do it is still the best and if there is anything I can pick up to do something a little more efficiently. So when Content Marketing Institute publishes a marketing toolkit, I am seated, ready to take some notes. I am always ready to learn a little more.
Reading Books, Books and More Books
Was All of the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker a perfect book? Nope, not anywhere close. But was it an enjoyable book? For the most part, yes. There were some slow spots, but overall it was paced well. People kept referring to it as an “epic” book which scared me. So many of those books are too self-aware and become old quick. This seemed less aware of the grand task it was taking on, which made me not want to throw it even once. In the end, it was just a nice read and I was sorry to see it go. Despite all of the hype, it’s definitely a book to pick up. Score: A-
And now it’s time for a book club book. This month, it’s The Life Cycle of the Common Octopus by Emma Knight. I’m pretty far into this book, and I’m not really sure what the point is. It jumps around with narrators a little too often for my taste, although it’s not completely confusing. You do quickly pick up that the narrator has changed without much help. I don’t know what to think at this point. It’s fine. Not great. But it could get to great.
What are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?