Easy Ways to Boost Your Social Media Engagement
Read more: Easy Ways to Boost Your Social Media EngagementHas your social media engagement gone a little stale lately? I have heard social media consultants say that’s normal and not to worry because organic social media is dead anyway. To be honest, that’s a little shocking, and it sounds more like a good excuse for sloppy work. If you think that you need to…
A Social Media Network Played With Us. Now What?
Read more: A Social Media Network Played With Us. Now What?We were warned for months that this was going to happen, and we all kinda knew in the back of our head that it couldn’t possibly happen. But then TikTok was just gone. A social media network that was once thought to big to make go away had done the impossible. And then it reappeared,…
My Love-Hate Relationship with Hashtags
Read more: My Love-Hate Relationship with HashtagsNew clients are always confused on my philosophy around hashtags. I am not one to use them lightly and you’ll never see them splashed all over any of my client’s posts. And that’s the opposite of most social media consultants. Why? I prioritize being able to read a post over searchability. I have found that…
The Role of Patterns to Keep You Consistent
Read more: The Role of Patterns to Keep You ConsistentWhat I can do better than most is staying consistent on social media for clients. There are a lot of secrets on how I do it, but the first one I recommend to those getting started is creating patterns. What do I mean by that? And how can you create your own pattern? Let’s get…
Telling a Story on Social Media
Read more: Telling a Story on Social Media“Just tell a story.” It’s repeated so often that storytelling has almost lost its meaning. And yet it’s the most important thing you should be doing on social media. But what is storytelling and how can you incorporate it into your social media plan? What is the story of your organization? This is where your…
Talking at Fans Versus Talking with Fans
Read more: Talking at Fans Versus Talking with FansFans are your greatest asset. They’ve chosen to follow you? That’s amazing. Whether they want to be passive or active fans, the choice to become a fan is a huge honor. And yet I see so many pages not treating it as an honor and instead, treating their fans as people they can use. It’s…
What I Learned From Going Viral on Threads
Read more: What I Learned From Going Viral on ThreadsLast week I was harassed by a guy at the gym. Because I have trouble recalling details after events like that, I made the decision to film my story and post it to Instagram. And then it seemed right to also write it out to cement the details, so I posted it on Threads. The…
The Followers Tag on Facebook
Read more: The Followers Tag on FacebookBased on my notifications, a lot of you have figured out that if you tag @followers on Facebook, your fans will get a notification that you posted. A LOT OF YOU HAVE FIGURED THIS FOLLOWERS TAG OUT. I’ll be honest: I’m not paying attention to these notifications anymore. It’s annoying to get tagged in posts…
The Quality Social Media Engagement Post
Read more: The Quality Social Media Engagement PostWhen it comes to social media, an engagement post is a smart piece of content to dot into your calendar. The algorithm takes into account past posts when deciding how many people should see your current post. To give that post a boost, especially when it’s something you need people to see, putting an engagement…
Think Small on Social Media
Read more: Think Small on Social MediaWe are so programmed to constantly think of going bigger that it’s not surprising that we think that way on social media. Chase after bigger influencers, get bigger engagement and more. Makes sense, right? But what if I told you that in most cases it’s better to think small when it comes to social media?…