Category: Social Media and Mental Health

  • On Disappointing Yourself

    On Disappointing Yourself

    I’m an expert at disappointing myself. I have such a high standard for myself and the things that I do that it’s just improbable that I’ll ever achieve that level. But sometimes I do and boy does that feel good. So for that reason, I’m always chasing the improbable. However there are the times I…

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  • On Being Lonely

    On Being Lonely

    I used to be so lonely. It didn’t make sense to me. I was talking to people constantly and felt like I had so many humans in my life. But the fact was that I wasn’t getting out of my house much and I was only talking to people on social media. This was also…

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  • When It Feels Like You Need a Big Change

    When It Feels Like You Need a Big Change

    There was an anonymous post in a group I belong to that I’ll be thinking about for a long time. A member basically said they hated everything about what they were doing for a career and needed out. It broke my heart to see someone in a place where a big change seemed like the…

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  • Stop Talking Bad About Social Media Managers

    Stop Talking Bad About Social Media Managers

    I have had this happen time and time again in different variations. The social media managers are constantly on the wrong end of some really terrible words. I’ll come into a new client and have them fill out my trusty questionnaire. Somehow talk about how bad the previous social media manager happens. I used to…

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  • Protecting Your Mental Health on Social Media

    Protecting Your Mental Health on Social Media

    When a new study comes out about how social media affects mental health poorly, it’s hard not to sigh. This is the career I’ve chosen and I absolutely love it for some reasons, but it’s hard to argue that prolonged exposure to social media does affect one poorly. And when it’s your career, there is…

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  • Take Rest

    Take Rest

    There is something comical about writing this post today after writing about how I’m a bit of a machine. I fell behind this week, and it coordinated with a time that my family needed me to take rest. So instead of posting a blog post yesterday that was extremely close to being ready, I took…

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  • How to Do a Task You Don’t Want to Do

    How to Do a Task You Don’t Want to Do

    We all have those tasks… No matter how much you know it needs to get done, it seems impossible to do. It’s not because you don’t know how to do it. You are just having a mental block when it comes to this particular task. You probably can’t even explain why exactly you have that…

    Read more: How to Do a Task You Don’t Want to Do
  • On Emotion

    On Emotion

    I am a person who has always had big emotions. For years, I didn’t know how to handle them and they would take me over in ways that were not healthy. But now? I have a whole set of coping skills and can put these emotions to work for me. Not only is it healthier,…

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  • Why I Write About Social Media & Mental Health

    Why I Write About Social Media & Mental Health

    As we close Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to write about why social media and mental health is so important to me. Whether what I’m posting about this is helping I can’t fully say. I just know that talking about topics of this magnitude is always a good first step to action. And boy…

    Read more: Why I Write About Social Media & Mental Health
  • When Someone is Mean on Social Media

    When Someone is Mean on Social Media

    If I have the time, I like to do a project for free that will stretch me a little or just centers in on something I’m really passionate about. I have one of those projects right now. It’s more passion than anything, and I can do as much or as little as I please. Well,…

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